Why Should Businesses Invest in Commercial Glass Solutions?

From windows to decorative pieces to mirrors and backslashes, glass doesn’t just look sleek – but it’s highly functional as well. And when it’s done right, it can help take your commercial property to a whole new level.

AMG Mirror and Glass is a trusted leader in custom glass solutions and can serve as the ideal extension of your business for any glass solution. Contact us today or read on to learn more about why your business should consider investing in commercial glass solutions:

Elevating Aesthetics

You know what they say about first impressions. Making a positive first impression can be especially important in commercial properties when you’re looking to impress new customers and form partnerships with vendors and suppliers. Glass can help improve the visual appeal of your property to make a lasting impression on any individual or group of individuals that you’re hosting.

Whether it’s a decorative piece in the facade or a pane in a door or window to portray an elegant or contemporary look, glass is versatile enough that it can complement various design styles and stylish enough that it will certainly stand out when done right.

Another great option is to place mirrors on the walls behind your premium products. When your customer inspects and touches the item, they’ll see themselves framed with the product, which makes a big difference.

Creating Functional Environments

From partitions to doors to large, open windows, glass can help create a workspace where people and teams can work more productively. Studies show that more natural light in the workplace helps improve mood and enhances productivity levels. There are also health benefits associated with this, including links to better sleep regulation, increased Vitamin D levels, and improved eye health. Glass can help facilitate these environments where people thrive.

You want customers to feel comfortable, but they wouldn’t be in a cramped space. For smaller retail outlets, try installing mirrors for dimension. When installed at 45-degree angles to your entrances, you can create extra depth. That’s because the customer can’t tell where the wall stops, giving the illusion that there’s more space. 

Enhancing Safety and Security

Many people assume that since glass is breakable, it doesn’t benefit safety and security. But this is a common misconception. Glass comes in different types, and strong types of glass can withstand heavy loads, temperature changes, and even various chemicals. But when it comes to finding the right type of glass for your commercial setting that helps enhance safety and security, it’s imperative to work with a reliable supplier. That’s where AMG Mirror and Glass can help. We have the experience and know-how when it comes to providing durable and secure glass solutions.

The clever placement of a few mirrors behind the cash registers can make it seem like there are more customers in line to buy products. A lineup of two will seem like four. 

To go the extra mile, try framing the mirrors in the colors of your brand. The extra pop of color and subtle connection to your brand can emphasize the themes and values your company stands for. 

Improving Energy Efficiency

Glass can also help improve your property’s sustainability. It’s estimated that heat loss and heat gain through windows accounts for up to 30 percent of a property’s heating and cooling costs. Energy-efficient glass solutions, like Low-E glass, feature coatings that allow sunlight to pass through the pane but significantly reduce the amount of heat that can escape through the window.

For example, dual-pane glass with low-e protection can block about 85 percent of the sun’s rays. Triple-pane low-e glass can block even more than 85 percent.

Certain glass options allow properties to maximize daylight for lighting purposes, but also improve the energy efficiency of their buildings.

Installing mirrors near hot merchandise or in areas where customers could feel isolated removes a level of privacy that can make a shoplifter think twice. 

Customization and Branding Opportunities

Glass is also great for branding purposes. Just think of the classic glass Coca-Cola bottles that had the brand name ingrained in them. Now, think of glass in a commercial application. It can be created to help generate further brand awareness and meet brand identity. AMG Mirror and Glass has the expertise to create custom bespoke glass designs to suit any commercial business.

Contact us today!

Glass has a lot of benefits. It looks great, can be made strong and durable, is safe and secure, and can be branded and customized. Plus, glass has a multitude of applications in commercial settings. For more information and to fully explore the possibilities offered by AMG Mirror and Glass, contact us today.

To learn more about how we can help you, check out our commercial services page. Ready for a free quote? Contact us anytime.